Chevelon Canyon Lake and Ranch in Northern Arizona

Chevelon Canyon lake, AZ

When visiting Arizona consider a trip to Chevelon Canyon Lake.  This magnificent fishing lake is part of the Mogollon Rim and situated 15 miles west of Heber-Overgaard in north Arizona.

Chevelon Canyon lake
Chevelon Canyon Lake in Arizona

It is stocked with Rainbow Trout two times a year, in the spring and the fall.  Chevelon is a blue ribbon lake and well known for its trophy size fish.  Make sure you have your trout stamp on your fishing license and pack a variety of flies because live bait is prohibited at Chevelon Canyon Lake.

chevelon lake trout
Chevelon Lake trout

Chevelon Canyon Lake is in a very remote area in a deep canyon.  The drive is entirely on unpaved forest road that leads to a parking area.  After parking at Chevelon you have to carry your items; like a canoe, fishing or camping gear almost a mile down a steep road to get to the edge of the water.

Rest assured, Chevelon is one lake in Arizona that is never crowded. 🙂

chevelon canyon lake
Chevelon Canyon, Arizona Lakes

This lake sets at an elevation just over 6,300 feet.

Chevelon Canyon Creek
Chevelon Canyon Creek

Chevelon Creek flows into Chevelon Canyon Lake.  The surface area of this northern Arizona lake is 208 acres and average depth is just under 40 feet.  Some sections of the lake can reach 80 feet deep.

chevelon canyon
Chevelon Canyon in Arizona

During your visit to this gorgeous Chevelon Canyon area you may stumble upon some of the oldest ancient petroglyphs in the southwestern US.  So far there are over 4,000 rock drawings in Chevelon Canyon that have been studied and documented.

Chevelon Canyon Petroglyphs
Chevelon Canyon Petroglyphs

A large amount of the petroglyphs are unique to Chevelon Canyon only and date as far back as 3,000 B.C.

Author: tjsgarden

We are a family that loves the Arizona Desert. A lot of research and team efforts go into our articles and photos. Come discover the beauty and mystery with us. Don't forget your sunscreen!

6 thoughts on “Chevelon Canyon Lake and Ranch in Northern Arizona”

  1. Beautiful pictures! I just came home from the lake after 2 days of bliss. That place is special, I hope to spend many more days exploring up there. I was just wondering if you have hiked most of the creek? Are there petroglyphs upriver or downriver not far from the lake?
    Thanks, hope all is groovy in your world


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